Biz: great babysitter

Monday, December 17, 2007

A New Superhero?

Cycle one has ended and true to form (and by God's grace) Biz made it through with flying colors--this too, as so often in Biz's life, by overcoming extra adversity. Deb's post-treatment phone call brought the news, beginning with her declaration, "Once again, Biz is my new hero!" and not just because she has the mask. It turns out that her mask was too tight! After her treatment, the pressure from the mask against Biz's face had bruised her lower lip and made her unable to see clearly for ten minutes or so. The technician took one look at the waffle print all over Biz's face and said, "We need to make you a new mask." So thanks for praying. Not only did the Lord give her strength and peace, he brought the hope of a better day tomorrow--literally. Nothing is too small (or great) for the Lord?


Anonymous said...

We are so blessed by your postings and by the insight we're gaining into the whole process. Your trust in God and peace shine through even as you admit your human weaknesses. David, Carson and Connor pray for Biz each night and, when they invite me to join in I get to hear their faith growing, too. They ask God to meet their real, daily needs. Biz and Deb, we're anxious to have you back to our little town and little church!

Anonymous said...

I also echo the gratefulness at your consistent posting. I spent way too much time in hospitals during my junior high and senior high school years. I pray daily for Biz, the doctors, nurses attending and your family. I can easily remember the smells, the feelings and wondering I had during my spell in doctors offices and having numerous tests done. I am trusting with you in God's purposes and in the comfort of His presence. Thanks for sharing the joys of seeing Him answer daily need prayers.

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...