Biz: great babysitter

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I've Got Tough Girls

Deb woke up about 2am this morning, angry. She had been feeling sadness over Biz's painful mask experience yesterday, but now she was mad because Biz, who is a stoic when it comes to pain, had been objecting all along that the mask was "uncomfortable" and no one had taken her words seriously. So this morning, after a few phone calls to other doctors and friends, Deb decided it was time to come to Biz's defense. I cannot do justice to the story, but suffice it to say that in the course of conversation Deb would not allow the doctor to use his preferred term, "discomfort," a word he tried to use at least 4 times to describe Biz's experience. Deb told him that comfort is not the issue at this point; Biz has bruises on her face and couldn't see clearly for ten minutes or more after they removed the mask. Deb assures me that she was very civil and self-controlled, but the doctor now knows that she will not be satisfied until she is satisfied that things are being done properly. She assured the doctor that Biz will endure whatever she must if he tells her she must; so because of the trust Biz is extending to him, he had better be sure that what she endures is only what is necessary and appropriate.
While I don't know anyone sweeter, I also know that my wife has no problem standing on principle and continuing to stand until the appropriate changes have been made (I guess that's why our kids are so well behaved...). But by her assessment, Deb has never had to exercise such insistence and resolve as she did today. Please pray for her strength. We want what's best for Biz--that's why we're separated by a couple months and couple thousand miles. Pray that she will advocate well for Biz even though she must do so alone. Pray that she won't be warn down if the Lord wants her to be a rock, nor that she'll become an irritant if unwarranted (this was her specific request). Pray that only appropriate changes would be made and that, if necessary, the doctor would recognize the need to start from scratch with a new mask and a new computer model. Today they plan to try a shim but, since precision is our reason for being at M.D. Anderson, "good enough" is not good enough as far as we are concerned.
We prayed together at the end of our phone call, and the Lord brought us peace--and a game plan--but often the game plan is just my own and the Lord already has it all worked out. I trust that a better report will come this evening. This may all be just a part of the Lord's answer to our prayers for Biz's protection.


Anonymous said...

Debbie, May the peace of God overwhelm you in this battle zone! David had to kill Goliath. It happens. May God be glorified in all you do and say! And may the mask fit perfectly and effectively today. Our God is able.

Our prayers are with you!

Dave Kitchen and family

Anonymous said...

Good Morning:
I'd like to encourage you to continue in your walk of "tough"ness. After many years of dealing with health issues, multiple surgeries and hospitalizations, I've learned a couple of things.
First, it is your health care, and you are responsible for it. Do not be hesitant to question, ask, insist, or beg if need be, to obtain the quality of care needed, and to interpret the needs Biz has to the doctors and nurses so that they really understand.
Secondly, you know your child better than anyone in that hospital, doctor's office, etc. A role that is imparitive is for you to be the leiason of communication, getting clear understanding back and forth between patient and doctor - and being clear on what is needed.
This does not have to be walked through with irritability, anger nor hostility. Standing for our children is second nature - and God gave that to us for very good reasons.
Don't shrink back or question your right to question, insist, communicate and have clear understanding.
Nelson Mandela said that our shrinking back so that others feel comfortable is not honoring to God.
You are doing an exceptional job. Remember that God himself created you with your personality, quick mind, huge heart, exactly as he needed you to be for this time and purpose.
And remember, above all, that God loves Biz more than both of you combined, and each of you as much as well.
His love will bring you through.

with love, prayers, and hope,

Kathy Eisenhauer

Anonymous said...

We will pray for you as you stand firm for what is right. We pray that you will have the strength and endurance for each day. It is so wise of you to not just take what the doctor says as gospel. You have a tough job, but we know the Lord will enable you and work through this situation. Hugs for you and Biz!

Love in Christ,
Mary & Nate Saxe
Sierra Andrea Timothy Theodore

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...