Biz: great babysitter

Friday, April 18, 2008

As you pray

Looking ahead to next week, what we know so far is that Biz has two appointments: Monday at 9:00am for a PET scan and Tuesday at 8:15am with the oncologist. Please pray for wisdom and healing.


Anonymous said...

You bet this Ranch (next door) will be praying our hearts out to the Lord for Biz and the Daniels Family! We have a very special fondness for Biz - and invite any of you (reading this) to come and watch this little girl handling our horses with her calm and exceptional gentle manner. (She can do what many 3X's her age cannot). Besides that - She just keeps us smiling! God PLEASE Bless her - keep her safe!
Roxanne - Horseshu Ranch

Anonymous said...

I keep finding myself asking the wrong question. I ask - God why? Well I think I am starting to ask a different question - God what are you doing? Enough of the questions. God protect and guide, we look to You for Life and Breath and Everything else.

We love all of you and are trusting Him.

Dave & Elaine

Anonymous said...

Continuing to pray and trust God with Biz.

Anonymous said...

In His way and in His time all things will be known. God loves you all and is in total control. We love you also, pray for you daily and trust you to Him completely.

Donna and Roger

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...