Biz: great babysitter

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Appointment Change

Our appointment with the oncologist has been changed from 9:15 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. today so that the tumor board can meet first. They need to talk about the results of the biopsy and the PT scan from yesterday and decide on a course of action. Please pray for our strength.
During yesterday's scan the nurse said that we could call later in the afternoon to get the results "if it would help you sleep better tonight." I decided I'd rather not know. I guess I am not ready for more details until we can hear the whole big picture. At certain times of the day I can feel your prayers. I know that the Lord is carrying us in a difficult time. I know that God is good, and faithful, loving and kind no matter what. Pray that our faith (especially Biz's) would be unwavering and that we would remain focused on what we know to be true about the Lord, not on our circumstances. We are so grateful for all of you who check the blog regularly and pray for us so faithfully. It is a gift of God's grace to us and a huge comfort to know we are loved and supported by you. Thank you. Debbie


Kris said...

8:25 am I am praying for you as you head north on I-5 *safe travel* and Peace knowing you and your family are in the best hands possible, The Lords
I love you guys, hugs to Biz, Deb and Tim, I'll hug Sam & Donner when I get them in 2 hours.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, you are loved. At this time, in the midst of everything, you can know that. You are loved by those in heaven and on earth, very, very much.


Anonymous said...

Biz, God is holding you in His loving arms,with your family squeezed in there too, close to His heart because He loves you so much. We've been praying and will continue each and every day. I can imagine this is VERY hard for you, to say the least, but remember this is a time the Lord Himself is carrying you. You're certainly not in this alone.
We love you. Rich & Lona Sylva

Anonymous said...

My sweet friends, we love you, love you, love you and are praying for you. You have the Sanders family on our knees before the Lord on your behalf. Wish I was there to hug you!! Love, DeLyn

Anonymous said...

The Browns are praying for strength beyond what you possess so that you know who's holding you. We are happy to let you know your boy Connor made the closing play in the game tonight by fielding a grounder to 2nd and making the force play! He also had a good time mowing the lawn with Carson this afternoon before the game...

You are in our prayers at night and in the early morning...and at weird times in between.

Anonymous said...

You are in our prayers

David & Elaine

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...