Biz: great babysitter

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Chemotherapy: Beginning of Week One

Monday evening Deb, Biz, the boys, and I (Lydia will be staying with a friend for school) will head down to Seattle for an early Tuesday meeting with Dr. Johnson. Later that day she'll have a minor surgery to insert a central line (like a super-IV). On Wednesday, Biz has a baseline hearing test and 5-hour kidney test, which leaves me with one question: what do they do for 5 hours? I imagine it has something to do with drinking a lot of objectionable liquids.
Biz's first round of chemo is scheduled for Thursday.
The boys and I will come back to the island on Tuesday evening and return to Seattle on Friday morning. This is a consequence of competing goals. On the one hand is the priority of Biz's medical care, on the other is the desire to maintain the normal course of life for the other kids. I'm not sure if this ever works out exactly right but, with Deb in Seattle, Biz will be in very capable hands. How Lyd and the boys fare in my care is questionable. Of course, part of the solution is MaCheeSauMe. This is my own specialty. I like to say it's Indian for boxed Macaroni and cheese, extra Cheese, spaghetti Sauce, and Meat (whatever happens to be left over in the fridge). I'd tell you to write me if you'd like the recipe, but if you need a recipe you probably ought not to be near the stove. I ought not to be near the stove, but necessity is the mother of invention so, voila--MaCheeSauMe. Anyways, the boys love it, Lyd smiles and chokes it down, and I make enough to take leftovers to work. Maybe I'll take a picture of it so you can pray for us more...intelligently.
The Lord is good, and everything he does, and all that he provides, is for our good. He gives us a hope that does not disappoint because he has "poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." Herein lies the focus and the goal to persevere.
Rumor has it that the chemo will make Biz nauseous for a while. Please pray that she experience nothing but what is necessary in response to the medicines.
By the way, we all receive great encouragement from your comments. We end up checking all day to see who commented and what they've had to say. If you ever wonder whether we see them, we sure do. So, as the Spirit leads...


Anonymous said...

Deb - since I know you read this - check Tim's email for instructions on your purl knitting stitch. He'll be able to bring up the page to show you how to do it. Happy knitting & purling!

We are praying for you all this week. Don't hesitate to call if we can do ANYTHING.


Anonymous said...

I asked the Lord to bless you As I prayed for you today.
To guide you and protect you as you go along your way...His love is always with you, His promises are true, and when we give Him our cares you know He will see us through.So when the road you are traveling on seems difficult at best, just remember I am praying here and God will do the rest

Anonymous said...

Woke up this morning praying for Biz and your family. She is the apple of His eye and is in the palm of His hand.

Shannon Bailey

Anonymous said...

Tim -- By the time we spoke last week many in the NCC family had already read your most recent posts and were already praying in response.

We love you all and are continuing to be prayer warriors on your behalf. Please let NCC know if there is any specific way we can help.

-Joe DePung

Anonymous said...

The Devo' crowd will join with many others in lifting prayers to God tonight. We remain steady with you in prayer and thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of knitting, if you get stuck I have friends who are experts, so I give you permission to come over and bug them. Dude, I went to a compline service last night at St. Mark's and it was pretty cool listening to 16th century style music. There are a couple of really talented tenors there. So, if ever you need space on a Sunday night it's like 5 minutes from the Silverstiens.

Moyer and Bethany Community Church are praying for you,

Abby :)

Anonymous said...

I was working on Beth Moore's study today and the subject was faith. Quote from her brought to mind what you guys are going through right now. "God I cannot understand why You're doing this. But I know that, unlike me, Your actions cannot be inconsistent with Your heart, and I know Your heart is loving, good, and faithful. Somehow, some way, somewhere all these things are for good. If I could just know You better through this, that is all the good I need."love you guys, Carolyn

alp2295 said...

I love the MaCheeSauMe! I'll have to mention it to Aaron - add it to his cooking portfolio that currently includes Mac n Cheese and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches! : )

Still praying for you all. Let us know if there's anything else you need!

Anonymous said...

Needless to say we've been praying for you everyday, throughout the day, for courage, hope, peace and complete healing. We're relying on God's promises in Jeremiah 28:11-14a (which I know you know): For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord." ....and He is true to His word!
We love you,
Rich and Lona

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb and Biz,
There is a lovely park right up the street from the Orthopedic if you need a moment of fresh air and green. I would say it is five minutes away. Just take 45th UP the hill (not toward the University District but toward the lake); after you pass the community church, on the left, you will see the park on the right.
St. Stephen's Church is up there also, and if it is open, you may see some serene spaces and quiet beauty.
Lots of prayers for the Daniels.
Your friend,

Anonymous said...

Dear Daniels family,
Each day when we drive by I.C.C. on the way to and from school we pray for your family and the whole situation. I have been so blessed by your blog and your intimate sharing as you walk this road. We love you guys. Po, Micah and Josiah

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...