Biz: great babysitter

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Good Report

Biz's MRI was postponed until her nasal cavity can be cleaned out--in Biz's case this requires a minor surgery; after that, they'll do the MRI (this will all be done tomorrow).
This is a matter concerning which we seek your prayers. The only potential "fix" to these quarterly surgeries is for Biz to rinse her nose with saline several times a day--an unpleasant duty no matter how you do it. As the doctor said, it feels like snorting pool water up your nose. I say, "potential fix," because there's no guarantee that this will help, but it may. The sinus build-up might be a life-long cross for Biz to to bear, but diligence about rinsing may help her significantly. Deb and I are a bit uncertain about how to approach this as parents. We could take the responsibility upon ourselves to remind her and require her to rinse at intervals throughout the day, or we could say (as we have), "This is something you must own for yourself, since we won't always be with you." Better for her to learn this while she's young and in our home. The down-side of this approach is that a lack of diligence in this matter means a scheduled surgery at the otolarangology clinic--a prospect that Biz finds more unpleasant than rinsing. Pray for our wisdom and her maturity in this matter.
The good report is that Dr. Moe waived any thought of reconstructive surgery for at least 2-3 years, if at all. He assured us that healing is nowhere near complete; it may take up to a year, especially in radiated tissue where blood flow and normal growth have been disrupted. He is amazed at the fact that Biz has no double-vision and feels that time may resolve most, if not all, issues related to appearance. He warned that to do anything drastic at this point may result in us, "snatching defeat from the jaws of victory."
We continue to pray for Biz's healing and protection, and to give thanks for all of you who held her, us, and our family up to the Lord in these times.
Oh, we also planned on buying a new dishwasher on this trip off-island but on the ferry ride over we were talking to some friends who...long story made short...put us in touch with a nearly new, free dishwasher. God works in mysterious ways.


Anonymous said...

May God fill you (Biz and family) with the wisdom and grace you need to tackle this obstacle course. (you finally mastered scaling the wall, and now you have to crawl through the tunnel!) We are continuing to pray for you.
the Denneys

Gail said...

Thanks so much for sharing your journey with us. I have been praying with you for months now and it is exciting to see the many ways the Lord has answered prayer. We know He will continue to guide each of you as you progress along new paths.

Anonymous said...

Blessings from the Wenner's

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...