Biz: great babysitter

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Just when things were looking up...

I find myself uncertain about what to write at the moment.
This evening we received a call from Dr. Perkins. Biz's MRI was not encouraging, and a biopsy taken during last week's minor surgery had "abnormal cells."
They will call us tomorrow to schedule an appointment with oncology.
Please pray for Biz.


Anonymous said...

We're praying for all of you.

We love you,
David & Elaine

Anonymous said...

I remember so well the roller-coaster ride of emotions when dealing with questions around medical issues. I continue to pray for Biz and the family. As I meet with my leader teams, we will pray for all of you and the doctors involved.

Anonymous said...

Me and my friends down here at SPU will be praying for you.

Love for you all,

Anonymous said...

We will be praying for healing and restoration for our beautiful Biz. And peace and patience for her parents. God Is Good and trustworthy He loves us, He will see us through this valley. Steve and I are here for you and any and all of the children. My love to you both.

Anonymous said...

Me and my amigos here at Portantorchas, Costa Rica will be praying for all of you.

Love and prayers for you all,

Anonymous said...

We are praying with you and agreeing with you from Thailand, Burma, Bangledesh, Bhutan, Darjeeling. Three times per day in a Daniel watch we are with you to the will of God is done.
Craig and the team

Anonymous said...

Continuing to hold Biz and your family in prayer. Trusting God is all we really have.

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...