Biz: great babysitter

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Stress passed

The surgery and the MRI both went flawlessly, and we're now at home recovering from post-traumatic stress syndrome. Thankfully, our stress was not a consequence of any medical concern but a response to the ferry schedule (for those not from the island--ferry stress is a natural phenomenon, accentuated in type-A personalities, resulting from the inordinate desire to accomplish everything on one's off-island to-do list and yet make the next ferry. Symptoms include speeding, praying, blaming your spouse for delays, and increased blood pressure levels).
At this point Dr. Perkins feels Biz should have bi-monthly, rather than quarterly, check-ups so our next round of appointments is being scheduled for the third week of June--the same week that we take Lydia to the airport for her missions trip. I may not survive such a week of fatherly trauma...

We are always so thankful to Jesus after these appointments for the quality of the doctors we have had caring for Biz. You can rejoice with us that so many of our questions were answered and that there was so much "good news."


Anonymous said...

That is so great to hear all of the good news. We at NCC have been praying for you all the last 3 days.

Joe DePung

alp2295 said...

I'm so glad to hear that all is going well. I'm praying for all of you.

For you, Tim & Deb as you have to make decisions as parents that truly require a supernatural wisdom - Praise the Lord that you have a direct line to the source of that wisdom.

For Biz, that she will be a srong and diligent young lady, as she is being called upon to demonstrate diligence that few teenagers are ever called upon to demonstrate. If anyone can do it, she can, trusting in her Savior for strength.

For your family as a whole . . . that you can adapt, love and depend upon one another as you develop and deal with this new "normal"

Love to you all,


Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...