Biz: great babysitter

Monday, April 28, 2008

Hat's Off to Biz!

Often the most visible side effect of chemotherapy is hair loss. So I had an idea!! (I have to say at the outset that Deb is not always convinced by my ideas--like this one--but since I'm smarter than her, I think I'm right. After all--who invented MaCheeSauMe?! Good point, good point...)
Well, I thought it would be fun (for anyone who would like to participate) to give Biz a hat. After all, with summer coming she'll need to keep the sun off her head... Actually, I just thought this would be a fun way to say "Get Well Soon," sort of an alternative to Hallmark!
Use your imagination. See if you can come up with something that will remind her of you or your family or some memory of Biz or a significant event. Maybe just something that catches your eye.
I'll be posting pictures of the prettiest, ugliest, funniest, most meaningful, and ones that she actually wears.

I've been thinking about this one, myself:

For those of you with more sophisticated tastes, Biz's hat size is 6 5/8.


Anonymous said...

Tim, Rog makes a great mac&cheese soup from those 'boxed dinners'. You'll have to get together and compare recipes some time. He ought not be near a stove either. Our love and prayers are with you.

Roger and Donna.

Kris said...

It is nice, amazing, but nice to see your sense of humor back, Tim. It is back right? Stay tuned for my hat of choice. Prayers and hugs always love Kris

alp2295 said...

Oh my goodness . . . you crack me up! Seeing that sense of humor makes me miss you guys so much. There are so many "Tim Daniels-isms" that Aaron and I still laugh over. (Our personal favorite being from our wedding rehearsal - "Who gives this Rolls Royce to this 16 yr old?") I wish I could hear them more often. Love to you all,

Anonymous said...

I love this, but need a little more info.
what is her fav. color, sport, animal, food ect..
What a great idea , it will be a fun family activity!!!

Love to all, The Pags

Taylor said...

Um Mr.Tim,
Do you think Biz would be mad If you got me one of those hats too? We could be twins?



Anonymous said...

I've been told that Biz's favorite color is green. I know that she LOVES horses.

Tim Daniels said...

Alli--what the world needs now is redneck twins...
Erin--Sorry, but I'm doing well to remember birthdays.
She does love horses (works and rides at a ranch 6-8 hours a week).
She's been enjoying Calvin and Hobbes lately.
Connor tells me that her favorite color is, in fact, green (Elaine, you're amazing--and smug about it).
She likes Pirates of the Carribean and band Reliant K.
I'll try to secretly gather more details.

Tim Daniels said...

So glad that so many of you are reading this blog, especially those of you (Erin (do you want to fly out for a day and go see a movie and laugh like old times?)and Andrea) that we never get to see. We miss you and love to know you're thinking about us and praying for us. Maybe with some time on my hands, sitting at the hospital for hours on end, I'll try to give you a call. Love and hugs, debbie

Tim Daniels said...

Oh and by the way Elaine, I have almost completed my first dish cloth, successfully:) I even followed the instructions--thanks to Laurie R.


Anonymous said...



The Parsons' blog said...

Tim I think your choice of hat is so appropriate...with summer coming and all, and Lord willing warm weather. When she's feeling a little thirsty she would have her choice of beverage right on head (hand)! :)

We're praying for Biz and the whole family, that the Lord would give you the strength to endure the high hurdles ahead.
Love, the Parsons

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...