Biz: great babysitter

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A higher hurdle to jump

The regimen that Dr. Johnson is recommending is "platinum-based," made up of three different medicines (carboplatin, ifosfamide, and etoposide). Her analysis was extremely thorough and she very carefully evaluated treatment recommendations from several other oncologists. We really trust her opinion--which is in effect what it is, given the rarity of the cancer.
For Biz, this means a few predictable side-effects (hair-loss, nausea/vomiting, and tiredness) and some potential and very undesirable side effects (kidney or bladder function problems, hearing damage, and danger of serious illness from low white blood cell counts). These are the matters for which we seek your most fervent prayers.
For the rest of us--we were told that Biz (and Deb) should expect to be away from home for at least two-weeks at a time, coming home to "visit" for a few days before the next round of chemo. I had imagined this to be a "worst-case scenario." It just got moved to "best-case." Dr. Johnson is not comfortable at this point with any less than four cycles, and we may be looking at six. With cycles occurring three weeks apart, you can do the math. We're looking at 3 to 4 months of treatment. Looking, as I am right now, at my boys trying to do their school work in the waiting room, I'm realizing how high a hurdle this separation will be. Almost as high as Biz's. If she can make it, so can we. "He will keep you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful" (1Cor. 1:8-9).
At this moment Biz is in surgery having a central line inserted. I think she doesn't mind the pain as much as the anesthesia, and hospital gowns (they're never warm enough). While she continues to grow in character, please pray for her perseverance, and strength to jump the hurdles.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the continual updates. It is good to know how to pray specifically for you, Biz, and the rest of the family.
joe depung

Anonymous said...

Deb - if you need more yarn for dishcloths - let me know.

Anonymous said...

Tim, Deb and family, We were down at Brown's today checking out getting a new bathtub when a fellow over heard us and asked if we needed some help. To make a long story short he showed up at our door a little later. We found out real quickly that he was a christian and we shared your story with him. He was very insistant that we stop right then and pray for healing for Biz. That was at 2:00 this afternoon. So we had a blessed prayer session right there in our torn up bathroom. I'm sure God got a kick out of that! We are so blessed with reading all the comments from everyone....even though we don't know a lot of you by name and more by faces at church, that is okay.
God loves you and we love you, David and Helen

Anonymous said...

Praying for perseverance healing along with His Mercy and Grace.

Thanking God for the wisdom and leadership He has given you Tim!

We Love you all

Dave K.

alp2295 said...

Wow . . . after Houston, you would think that being just a few hours away would be a piece of cake. (On the up side, it will be summer time and school should be minimal for the boys - something to be thankful for, right?)

I KNOW that He can pull your family through this . . . and in the end the Glory is His. We will be amazed by his grace as we realize that apart from it your circumstances would be insurmountable.

Because He is able,

Anonymous said...

We keep up with you from Spain. Our struggles are different but we've appreciated your comments and insights, especially with perseverance. We are so sorry to hear that Biz has more treatments. It was already so stressful and taxing and we know you really just needed a break, your whole family. We have similar situations of sentiments. We really appreciate your perseverance and we are also glad that your church is supporting you with meals, etc. So important!
We pray against the longer treatment schedule of chemo and any negative effects for Biz's sake. We also pray for your continued perseverance and for some normality through this trial that is so wearing on you all. Also, for continued wisdom.
With our love, concern, and prayer for you,
The Saxes (Nate, Mary, Sierra, Andrea, Timmy, Theo)

Anonymous said...

Our God is faithful as HE holds you in the palm of His hand. We continue to hold you in prayer. Hang in there Biz. Even though I have never met you, you and your family have been an encouragement to me.
God Bless you and Keep you

Anonymous said...

John and I read the updates often so that we know how to pray for Biz and the family. We want you to know that our congregation in Costa Rica continues our prayers. Because we have people from all over this huge world visit our church, I truly believe that by now the number of people praying is wonderfully high.

Lyn Bradley
Dios le Bendiga

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...