Biz: great babysitter

Monday, April 7, 2008

The road goes ever onward...

It's been nearly two months since my last post, a fact that is reflective of our experience at home. Life has been pushed back into its normal patterns. Biz continues to heal. The boys continue to grow. Lydia has taken up a new venture--she hopes to go to Malawi this summer with Teen Missions, Int. I am surprised by the vanishing sense of control that I once thought I had over the comings and goings and desires and circumstances of family life. I suppose this illusion is best replaced by the constant awareness of God's grace in all situations and the humility to entrust our families to the Lord's care.
I've been rebuked several times for abandoning the blog. I take that as a complement because a number of people have admitted the great benefit they've received from reading it. However, there hasn't been much to say about Biz's recovery and I'm not sure that this blog is the place for other musings. As one person said, "[The blog] served its purpose for a time," and in a practical sense that time has passed. I'm also not sure that another blog published by yours truly would be met with the same interest, or convey the same benefit, as this one because this one has been about ultimate issues and the gravest of needs among people we really care about.
My purpose for this post is two-fold. The first is to enlist the prayers of any who might still look for an occasional post. This Wednesday Biz has the first of her post-treatment check-ups. These are scheduled on regular 3-month intervals and include an MRI to ascertain whether there has been any recurrence of the cancer. Three months ago I considered this routine; today it feels quite different. We will also be consulting with Dr.'s Perkins and Moe about needed reconstructive surgeries. Last week Biz registered for freshman year at our local high school and we'd like to put behind her as many of these medical issues as possible before she begins her high school career.
The second purpose for this post follow. I have struggled with some other lessons since things have "settled down," lessons that I trust will be important later, but time compels me to publish this much.


Anonymous said...

Thank-you for our blog it makes me feel closer to the family. Love you all and I am still praying for all of you.

Gary and Margo said...

We look forward to your updates and musings. It helps us not to feel so far away from our friends. We miss your family and love reading about each one.

Karen Braun said...

Thank you so much for your blog. I love hearing from you now that we are so far away. Your family is continually in my prayers. Love you all.

Girls at pool

Girls at pool
poor Garret...